Why Mainstream Medicine Has It All Wrong When It Comes to Losing Weight

The key to weight loss is simply a matter of “eating less and exercising more” — at least that’s what mainstream medicine wants us to believe.
But how is that advice working out for you? Chances are if you’re like most dieters, it means that you’ve tried numerous weight loss programs with little to no success.
If you’ve tried enough diets, you may even have started to wonder if “eating less and exercising more” really is the best advice. Because if it is, that must mean something is wrong with you.
Well, here’s the truth — it’s not the best weight loss advice. In fact, it’s just plain bad science and deep down inside, every doctor knows this.
“Eating less and exercising more” is just a simple answer to a very complex question.
The main problem with this advice is that it fails to take into account your body’s hormones, which have a major impact on whether you are fat or thin.
That’s right, you could eat less and exercise more with extreme dedication and still not lose the weight you want — and it’s all because of your hormones, which regulate how your body handles certain calories.
The fact is that our bodies do not treat all calories the same. In fact, there are certain calories that make you fat, other calories that prevent you from burning fat, and a few really good calories that actually force your body to burn fat.
The key to weight loss is not counting calories — this should be evident by the obesity problem we have here in the U.S. Losing weight has much more to do with eliminating the bad calories while increasing the good calories, by using a strategic system that takes into account how your body’s hormones allow it to process those nutrients.
In other words, I’m saying that your failure to lose weight in the past has not been your fault. Instead, it’s a case where you have not been given the correct weight loss system.
To correct this unfortunate circumstance, I have created a new weight loss program that takes hormones into consideration, and gives you a step-by-step approach to losing weight fast and keeping it off.
I’m calling the program The 3 Week Diet, and if you follow it you can lose up to 1 pound every 72 hours for 21 days straight.
Here’s why this program works so well so fast:
  • It does away with the “eat less and exercise more” paradigm for good. Instead, you eat essential nutrients that your body needs for good health and proper functioning, while eliminating all those nutrients that slow or even stop you from burning fat. The program also utilizes several supplements that, in combination with the diet, help users recruit body fat to be burned for fuel, maintain their lean body mass and increase their metabolism. It corrects the bad diet information that is so prevalent in other programs. This has become a real problem in recent years.
  • It eliminates cellular inflammation, which is actually a leading cause of weight gain. The truth is, if we can take control of cellular inflammation, we can effectively increase our ability to lose weight, burn fat, increase metabolism and keep body fat from ever coming back. In addition to this, by taking control of cellular inflammation, you can live a healthier and longer life.
  • It produces results fast. Fast results keep you motivated. In the first week alone, your clothes will be looser, you will feel lighter and you’ll feel 10 times better.
  • It is easy to follow. Again and again it’s been shown that strict, difficult-to-follow plans don’t work. You need a simple, easy-to-follow plan that makes losing weight a step-by-step breeze.
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The 3 Week Diet

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