Fat Loss Sale

Dear Friend,
I sat down to write you this letter because I'm inspired, and I'm onto something that can truly change your life. In the end, I realized there's no better way to prove this to you than by actually teaching you everything there is to know about accelerating the fat loss process, and why it works so well.
We're talking about another level of fat loss and body transformation.

The #1 Reason You're Not Losing Fat:
You're Training the WRONG System

The way most workout programs are designed is by deciding which muscles to work today, and how to best set up your program to hit everything eventually; all of this while stimulating the greatest "metabolic" effect. The problem is, you're already off to the wrong start.
Muscle = Metabolism, right?
So in order to stimulate the greatest metabolic effect from an exercise, we want to get as much muscle involved as possible. This just makes sense. However, stimulating as much muscle as possible may not be what it seems...

There Are 2 Ways To Stimulate Muscle And Increase Your Metabolism, Not Just One.

One idea would be to work as many muscles within a given workout as you can; another possibility would be to enhance the electrical signal to a group of muscles, instead. Now, by working on nerve instead of a muscle, you are actually working on multiple muscles at once, and, more importantly, all of each muscle.

The Key Fat Loss Factor:
Your Nervous System

It's a cold hard FACT that you'll take much more away from every rep of every exercise, of every set, and of EVERY workout when you stimulate your nervous system first.

But this is just the beginning... there's a specific sequence of events that I follow to increase signal strength. Here they are:
  1. Plan a movement.
  2. Re-align the spine.
  3. Excite nerves that relax during the day by doing 5 minutes of muscle balancing exercises.
  4. Balance joints to take away pain signals you may not know are going on.
  5. Ask for more electricity through dynamic and unstable exercises.
  6. Work related segments together, at once, to improve muscle timing.
  7. Create 'Cardiovascular Override' by working all 3 Energy Systems

That may sound like a lot to think about, but there is an easy fat loss system that solves this for you:

The Solution: The Quadruple Neuro Fat Loss Stack™

The Quadruple Fat Loss Stack™ is a high-speed fat loss system based on the number 4 and the proprietary "stacker" technology used in Full Throttle Fat Loss:
4 Phases
4 Days to Immediately Noticable Results
4 Weeks to Automatically Programmed Fat Loss
4 Times FASTER Fat Loss

It works because we do 4 critically important things as we progress:
Recruit, Load, Distribute, Stack. This ensures progression, by the use of Fat Loss Stacker Principle. First, we recruit a muscle or group of muscles, then we add a load to the muscle, redistribute our weight, and add a second or third exercise into the mix before completing a rep.
Accelerate Your Fat Loss to Full Throttle
with "Stacker" Fat Loss Technology

Stacker Fat Loss Technology is when you add the fat loss effect of every portion of every exercise together. It's a simple formula. Let's give a practical example. Let's say that you do the following 2 exercises, back to back:
Squat and Lunge
1 Squat + 1 Lunge = 2 exercises.
Now, let's say you take those same 2 exercises, except you add a movement to exercise #2, and you leave the rest the same.
Lunge + Press = 2-part exercise
1 Squat + 2-part exercise = 3 exercises.
You get the idea. We can really build a lot more into a lot less time when we learn to add exercises together. Fat loss skyrockets, as does the metabolic effectiveness of every exercise.
Stacker Fat Loss Technology wins.

Besides, Here's The Reason You'll Never Plateau:
Stacked RESULTS!

With the unique progression built in to the Quadruple Neuro Fat Loss Stack™, we strategically prime your body to lose more and more fat each and every week, unlike typical fat loss programs in which results decline each week until you eventually hit a dreaded fat loss plateau. Can you just imagine losing even MORE fat in week 4 than you did in week 1? That's exactly what we do with Full Throttle Fat Loss - instead of plateauing, you'll be stacking your results from week to week until you hit Full Throttle max speed in week 4.

When You Apply All Of The Full Throttle Fat Loss Principles,
Your Body Fat Doesn't Stand A Chance!

Listen, I've invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education in fitness, health, and rehabilitation; more importantly, it took me years to get this far, and tens of thousands of clients trained. I truly believe I can advance you to 'master-level' knowledge in your own body and how to make it lose fat within 16 short weeks in Full Throttle Fat Loss.
Full Throttle Fat Loss was created out of the realization that fat loss could (and should) happen muchfaster for everyone, not just some people. Sure, if you're perfectly coordinated, familiar with working out a specific muscle instead of movement, and already know how hard to push yourself, you'll probably get results.
The trouble is, this only represents a small portion of the population. That's why I created a program that works for both beginners and advanced trainees, progressing exercise skill level at lightening speed, regardless.

You're about to look, feel, and move differently.
People will notice, but, more importantly, YOU will notice.

You're going to wake up one day in the next 8 weeks and bounce right out of bed. You'll feel light on your toes, strangely happy for no apparent reason, and ready to charge at your day. As you glimpse at yourself in the mirror while you stop in the bathroom, it'll confuse you and you'll think back to the dream you just awoke from moments ago.
"Wow, it's like I'm not even looking at the same person. I remember just a few minutes ago while I was dreaming, I was much heavier than this, and I actually looked older? This is crazy."
As you look for your belly, it'll be gone. Your body will be melting, and you'll feel awesome.
At this point, there's no turning back. I won't let you.
You're so close to where you want to be, you have no idea. Sure, I'm going to push you, and I'm going to give you everything I've got to inspire you. I'll stop at nothing to ensure you get results. But I won't take no for an answer. You're here for a reason...
One way or another, you have to get in shape at this point. It's up to you how, but I've got a great package that will simplify the process. Check it out:

The ENTIRE 8-Component 
Full Throttle Fat Loss System

32 Doctor-Designed Rapid Neuro Fat Loss Workouts + Audios ($297 value):
You're about to gain lifetime access to 32 doctor-designed, neuro fat loss workouts. With your nervous system at the root of the programming, you're going to experience faster fat loss than you've ever seen or heard of before. By enhancing the electricity to your muscle, you're turning more muscle 'on' and getting more from every exercise that you do. You're about to be blown away. In addition to filming these exercises for online streaming and a downloadable version for your iPod or other video device, I've created audios to help the 'auditory learners' out there maximize the effect.

Full Throttle Fat Loss At-Home Modifications Guide 
($17 value):
Using this program at home isn't going to be a problem. I'll hold your hand and give you real, practical examples of household items you can use in place of the only piece of equipment we use in this program, a dumbbell. Plus, I'm going to give you creative workout ideas for various home environments that make exercise more fun for the entire family!

The Top 10 Fat Loss Lessons Of All Time Cheat Sheet 
($29.95 value):
Over the last 10 years, I've been taking notes. I've learned what's had the largest impact over tens of thousands of clients, both online and offline. I've listened to feedback, asked questions, and learned from my clients, mentors, and peers.

This is a comprehensive list of the best fat loss lessons I've ever learned; essentially, a shortcut to fat loss. You know the 80/20 rule, right:
  • 80% of your efforts yield 20% of your results
  • 20% of your efforts yield 80% of your results.

This is the 20% you should be focused on 100% of the time to get 400% the result.

Full Throttle Fat Loss Beginner Basics Guide 
($29.95 value):
Worried that this might be above your level? I've got you covered. Whether you've been exercising a long time and you're worried about your form, you could just use a review, or you're brand new to exercise, this guide will teach you the fundamentals and form on all of the basic movements you'll see in any exercise.
Learning exercise gets much easier when you go through this guide.

Victory Journal 
($9.95 value):
Fat loss is a celebration. Victory journals document your success. However, there's a specific method to this that seems to produce way better results and dwarfs using a workout journal. I'm including this for you, as well.

U-Stream Assess & Correct Workshops 
($197 value):
In these hour long workshops, I evaluate and treat 3 clients for various issues, including neck, shoulder, low back, hip, and knee pain. We figure out what's causing it, develop a plan of care that gets superimposed into their exercise programs, and send them on their way. This is invaluable if you have an injury or may in the future.

Transformational Mindset Audios 
($29.95 value):
Results are meaningless unless you can appreciate what's happening; and by appreciating what's happening you're sure to see much better results. There's a fundamental mindset switch that takes place in truly successful fat loss clients, both from an exercise perspective, as well as nutrition.

In the Transformational Mindset Audios, I teach you all about the proper mindset for fat loss and fitness, and the fastest way I know to help you get there.

Private 120 Minute VIP Coaching Call 
($560 value):
Ask me anything you want. This is about you and your results. Nobody gets this access to me without paying $560, minimum, but it's included with your investment today.

Full Throttle Fat Loss is about never having to lose fat slowly again. I'm going to make you the deal of a lifetime. The 8-components of Full Throttle Fat Loss are worth over $1170, but since I really care about you and your results, I'm going to give you a VIP discount of just a single, one-time payment of:

$1170 $97 

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